Corporate governance

Provides details about corporate governance.

Council meetings

The Veterans Act 2005 (the Act) requires that the VVC must meet at least eight times each year. The Council held eight meetings during the period 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021, seven of which were held by video-conference due to coronavirus (COVID-19), and one meeting hosted by RSL Victoria at Anzac House.

Committee structure

The VVC has established two committees to facilitate the performance of its functions under the Act.

Funding Sub-Committee

The Funding Sub-Committee is responsible for the development and annual review of the guidelines for the Victorian Veterans Fund Grant Programs and the ANZAC Day Proceeds Fund, assessing applications for both funds and making funding recommendations to the VVC for grants from both funds. During 2020-21 the Funding Sub-Committee was chaired by Dr Ross Bastiaan AM RFD. The other members of the Sub-Committee during the year were Wing Commander Sharyn Bolitho, Lieutenant Commander Peta Irving (Rtd) and Ms Kim McAliney. The Committee met on two occasions throughout the year.

Governance Sub-Committee

The Governance Sub-Committee is responsible for ensuring the VVC complies with all financial and legal requirements under the Veterans Act 2005 and any other relevant legislation. The Governance Sub-Committee is also responsible for governance of the six patriotic funds for which the Council is Trustee and the development of the VVC annual report. During 2020-21 the Governance Sub-Committee was chaired by Mr Bruce Mildenhall. Other members of the Sub-Committee during the year were Lieutenant Commander Pelagia Markogiannakis, Ms Kim McAliney, Mr Jamie Twidale CSM, and Mr Ken Tsirigotis. The Governance Sub-Committee met on two occasions during the year to oversee VVC’s administration of patriotic funds and associated investment accounts.

Secretariat support

Secretariat support to the VVC and both Sub-Committees was provided by the Veterans Branch within the Department of Premier and Cabinet and from 1 February 2021 by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, following Machinery of Government changes. 

Audited financial records

The VVC financial results are aggregated into the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing’s financial statements pursuant to a determination made by the Minister for Finance under section 53(1)(b) of the Financial Management Act 1994. The Department’s Financial Statements can be found at Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

On 6 September 2018, the VVC applied to the Minister for Finance seeking a full exemption from the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance under the Financial Management Act 1994. On 1 October 2018, this application was approved by the Minister for Finance, exempting on an ongoing basis the Victorian Veterans Council from compliance with all requirements of the Standing Directions.
